
Archive for April 19th, 2011

Both summers during law school I have worked as an intern in the County Attorney’s office in my hometown, but last summer I took a vacation before my internship started. Me and three of my friends spent two weeks together exploring the United Kingdom. It was my first real vacation without at least one of my parents along. I’m going to split up my posts about my trip according to the place the photos were taken. This post is dedicated to our time in London on the trip. I’m obviously going to leave a lot of the details of the trip out, I don’t want to bore you (although the story of when I got locked in the shower at the hostel and had to be rescued is a funny one), so I’m just going to stick to the prettiest photos.

On our first day in London we rode the train out and explored Hampton Court, one of Henry VIII’s palaces.

I really loved all the stained glass in the palace.

This is my favorite photo I took of Big Ben. (I know Big Ben is actually the bell in the tower so technically the label isn’t correct but I’m going with it for simplicity sake.)

Westminster Abbey

We walked across the Millennium Bridge and then climbed up to the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

So there’s the photo highlights of my adventure through London. As per my schedule the next post will be current material. Until next time,

Have fun!

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I’ve just noticed that for some reason draft versions of my last two posts went up instead of the finished versions. As soon as I can remember what the rest of the posts said, since the final versions seem to have been eaten by the internet, I’ll have corrected versions up. Stupid technology. Some days I really think it’s out to get me. The post that I’ve already schedule to go live later today seems fine so that will still happen as promised.

UPDATE: I have fixed the previous posts and I think I have figured out what happened to mess them up. Hopefully that won’t be an issue again.

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