
Archive for April 17th, 2011

I realized the other day that I couldn’t remember the last time I updated this blog. Coming back to it and learning it had been over two years was a little shocking. I knew law school had eaten away at other parts of my life but it having taken me away from my writing, in pretty much all forms, for this long was surprising.

As the final semester of my law school career rapidly draws to a close, I have decided that it is time for me to re-engage the outside world. I have spent the last three years seeing primarily only people I go to school with, and while I love my friends I have met in law school, I realize I have let others fall to the wayside. I’m not okay with that. I have had to put hobbies near and dear to my heart on the back burner in favor of reading class law. I want to rediscover the things that make me who I am.

I realize that law school will still dominate my life for the near future; I have to deal with the prep course for the bar exam all summer. However, I have decided that I want to start the journey of reclaiming my time and my life. Getting this blog back up and running will be the first step. I plan to use my study breaks to write posts and get caught up. The first post will be up by the end of the day tomorrow; I am determined to make that happen. So, in the mean time,

Have fun!

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